
We buy Adult Aldabras, best prices paid, best care.

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We buy Adult Aldabras, best prices paid, best care.

Posted By: Florida Iguana and Tortoise Breeders  on Friday, March 7, 2025 at 19:15

A registered Kingsnake user since 2010-04-11

We are looking to Buy adult and sub adult Aldabra Tortoises.
Best prices paid.

If you’re looking or need to sell your animal we are interested.
We know how hard that can be to let go wondering how they will be cared for in the future.
There are many people who have to come to grips with letting go.
After all the years we have loved and enjoyed our pet, we want to know they have gone on to a caring and loving home that has the ability to care for them.

We can help; we have been breeding rising and caring for Tortoises for 30 years, we do it for the love of the animals.
We have vets on staff and each animal is checked for health and cared for.

We find great homes for them and provide the best health guarantee to the new buyers.
This insures that the animal’s new home will have a great resource to help them care for the animal.
We often work with Zoos and breeding facilities around the country.

If you’re thinking about selling your Aldabra give us a call we would love to hear from you.

Sam Pascucci
Florida Iguana & Tortoise Breeders
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