LLLReptile & Supply has many new animals in stock! Check out our website for our complete animal catalog, and pictures (updated every day) at www.LLLReptile.com or click on the link below!
* Female Blonde Leopard Tortoise location: Oceanside, size: 7", species: Stigmochelys pardalis babcocki, CB THE ONE PICTURED IS THE EXACT STUNNING ONE FOR SALE!
$599.00 (female)
* Male Sub Adult Leopard Tortoise location: LOCAL pickup only, size: 12", species: Stigmochelys pardalis babcocki, **IN STORE PICKUP ONLY AT OUR OCEANSIDE, CA LOCATION. THE ONE PICTURED IS THE EXACT ONE FOR SALE!**
$499.00 (male)
* Baby Sulcata Tortoises size: 1 1/2 - 2”, species: Centrochelys sulcata, CB
$79.99 each
* Baby Sulcata Tortoises w/extra scutes size: 1 1/2 - 2", species: Centrochelys sulcata, CB Extra or split scutes, otherwise nice
(hidden on site)
$54.99 each
* Speke's Hinge-back Tortoises size: 3 1/2 - 5", species: Kinixys spekii,
Sale: $149.99 each (normal: $169.99)
* Sri Lankan Star Tortoises size: 2 - 3", species: Geochelone elegans, CB Beautiful and very well started!
$699.00 each
* Small Cherryhead Red Foot Tortoises size: 3 - 4", species: Chelonoidis carbonaria, CB Stunning!
$259.99 each
* Adult Pancake Tortoise Pair size: 5 1/2 - 6", species: Malacochersus tornieri, CB Beautiful big pancakes!
Sale: $1800.00 (pair) (normal: $2000.00)
We have a full satisfaction guarantee on all our reptiles, and great low prices on animal shipping as well! Check out our website for complete details:
LLLReptile & Supply