1.1 Proven Breeding Leopard Pair
Posted By: Arizona Sulcata
on Friday, March 14, 2025 at 19:43
A registered Kingsnake user since 2012-04-19
One 13" Male and one 14.5" Female PB Leopard tortoises available. They are both proven, reliable breeders. The female has a fiberglass patch from a dog attack nearly a decade ago. It has since started to fall off but the wound healed years ago and it's never slowed her down or affected her.
13" Male: $1400
14.5" Female: $1,600
Same day Southwest Cargo to your nearest airport. $120 individually or $150 for the pair (please email me to order the pair for the shipping discount). Please visit https://www.swacargo.com/swacargo_com_ui/ship/facilities for pick up locations.
If you have any questions feel free to email me at azsulcata@gmail.com or visit https://azsulcata.com/
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