LLLReptile & Supply has many new animals in stock! Check out our website for our complete animal catalog, and pictures (updated every day) at www.LLLReptile.com or click on the link below! * Baby Veiled Chameleons size: 3 - 4", species: Chamaeleo calyptratus, CB $49.99 (male) $44.99 (female) $89.99 (pair) * Medium Male High White Piebald Veiled Chameleons size: 8 - 12", species: Chamaeleo calyptratus, CB beautiful $159.99 (male) * Adult Male Veiled Chameleons size: 12 - 16",...
Vista, CA » Posted 8 hours ago
We are looking for a few new suppliers of baby panther chameleons or other CBB chameleons (no veileds though). We are looking for quantity (10 to 100 per shipment. Please do not email with less than 10). If you breed a large quantity of chameleons, or odd species, and want a guaranteed sale for every one you produce, we would like to hear from you. Please email us at vistapetsupply@gmail.com and let us know your quantity, how many you produce annually, age when you sell them, type and your price....
Oceanside, CA » Posted 8 hours ago
We Are A Dealer (only sell to Pet stores) Ready To Buy USA CB Veils, Open to all morphs. Minimum nose to tail tip size 3.5" we do not buy anything smaller We require 24 or so minimum if shipping (to warrant freight expense), 50 maximum per order, no minimum if drop off at Orange County warehouse. We will pay the freight charges, we will email you a pre-paid return FedEx express shipping label. Cal Zoo Sells Exclusively wholesale To Retail Pet Shops, We Do Not Sell To The Public. If You Have...
Santa Ana, CA » Posted 11 hours ago